
Minted document

A minted document is a document created when you merge your template with your data.


A path is a string used to access a property deep within the data being merged with your template. For accessing nested properties within an object, use a . to access nested properties and [] to access a specific item in an array.

For example, if we wanted to get the name of the first item in the list of items in the data below, we would use the following path items[0].name. We use [0] to access the first item because lists are zero-based, then we use .name to access the name property value in the first item.

// Data
        { "name":"Item #1", "qty":10, "price": 50 },
        { "name":"Item #2", "qty":6, "price": 100 }
    "total_amount": 1100,
            "street":"123 Main St.",
            "city":"New York",
            "state":"New York"

//Path Examples
"items[0].price" // 50
"customer.address.street" // "123 Main St."

In the first example, we're giving the path to the price property of the first item in the items array. In the second example, we're giving the path to the more deeply nested customer street address.

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